
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What's new with me? Hmm.. well, life's been good recently! The only really sucky thing right now that I can think of is the fact that a couple of my best friends are leaving me for JEWTAH! I'm pretty bummed out about that.. but I'll be ok! :) They leave in a week from today actually. Another thing that sucks right now is that my car is a PIECE OF SHIZ! I'm so frustrated about this car. I found out that whatever problem it has (which they never actually determined exactly) is going to be at least $2500 to fix. SCREW THAT! I was already planning on selling it.. why would I put that much money into it? I'm just gonna make someone else worry about it cuz I definitely don't want to deal with it anymore. I need to get rid of it ASAP too because if I don't, I'm gonna have to get new tires pretty quick. What's really frustrating about it is that we paid more than what kbb said the car was worth when we got it.
On a happier note.. the last weeked was a BLAST! I feel like I just held in a ton of energy and it ALL came out this weekend. Haha it was really fun. There was the back to school institute dance on Friday and then on Saturday was the back to school hanger party! Sunday was more chill, but still fun! Met some pretty cool people this weekend too so that's definitely a plus! :)

I've realized recently that I don't take near as much pictures as I use to. I'm pretty sad about that, so I'm going to try and change that up and post more on my blog posts! Tonight is one of my best friends bachelorette party! I'm pretty excited about that. Which reminds me.. I feel like I only go to Burlington Coat Factory for lingerie. Haha the cashiers probably think I'm a sex addict. That's definately not even possible haha. I have just been buying a lot of lingerie in the past year because everyone's GETTING MARRIED! Frickin A! Story of my life. It's funny how before you graduate high school, you picture how your life will be after graduation.. and it turns out SO different. If I were to look back to like 6th or 7th grade, I remember looking at people that had been graduated for a year or so and thinking.. why aren't those people married? (I know.. typical for a mormon to think..) Now, here I am.. almost half way to 21.. and I'm not even close. Haha I mean, I don't think the same as I use to obviously, but it's just interesting how things change like that. 

Three things that I'm excited about in the future:
  1. Meeting new people
    1. Why wouldn't you be excited? Ha
  2. Winter weather
    1. Why?
      • Cuddling season ;)
      • Winter Clothes
      • Apple Cider
      • Schnepf Farms
      • Temple Lights
      • Holidays
      • It won't be death to go ride my horse
      • Outdoor activities are possible without a pool
  3. Life In General
    1. Why?
      • Things Change SO Dang Fast!
      • New Car hopefully! 
I think that should be all for now. Until next time. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

   How's life? Well.. Not horrible. I'm just starting to go back out and hang out with people again. This last weekend, I'm not going to lie.. this weekend I felt the most socially awkward I've felt in a long time. I was not a fan of it ONE BIT. Friday was fun. I was super hyper. Why? I had a really strong energy drink. Saturday.. not so much. I had another energy drink, but it definately didn't work. We went to hang out at a couple of different places, but I definately wasn't feeling it. As much as I wanted to and I was excited to go out and all, something made me not very talkative. It may be because of seeing some people that I wasn't ready see.. or I was just having an off day. But hey, can you blame me? This week has been a lot easier than last week. That's for sure. I just try and stay as busy as I can and do my best to move on with my life. Things change! That's for sure. I like having the assurance that everything is going to work out a certain way. When I feel like something is set in stone.. and it doesn't work out.. let me tell you how much more of a insecure trainwreck I become! Ugh.. things make me sick. But what can you do? Times like these remind me of this song..

 Not trying to be super emo or depressing.. but you just never know what life is going to throw at you! You gotta be ready to do whatever you can to stay positive. There is so much out there.. and so many people out there that can make you happy.. if you let them. It can be hard to let go of things that happen and move on, but it's the only choice you have unless you want to spend the rest of your life in a dark and depressing pit of sadness. The other day when I was reading my scriptures.. I had been having a hard time and I always read my scriptures before I go to bed. I read a chapter every night. I was reading in Proverbs I believe. I just happened to came across this scripture:

   It just kind of opened my eyes to the fact that is ok to be sad sometimes. Life is going to be tough. Sometimes you just have to cry it out and let all the stress and emotions out or else you'll explode. I'm pretty famous for holding it in as long as possible, which usually doesn't end well.  But anyways, yeah.. it just helped me to realise that there is a time for everything. And it's ok to be sad when you need to be sad. Things will happen with time. You just have to be patient or else you'll drive yourself crazy and waste that time waiting being unhappy when you could have been happy. Sometimes you gotta fake it out.. pretend to be happy.. and then things will fall in your path and make you happy. Anyways.. enough of my preaching. I'm just taking every day as it comes and trying to stay positive! It gets easier every day!

 I recently finished up season 2 of Pretty Little Liars on netflix. Oh my lanta.. talk about intense! I love it. I wish netflix would come out with more Vampire Diaries episodes. I miss watching that show! Now, I have nothing to get addicted to on there. Any ideas?
   I've been trying to get my car ready to sell recently. And wow.. it has been a process. I have been taking it to Sun Devil Auto the past few days so they can look at it. They were working on getting the error lights in the dash to go off. These are just SOME of the lights that come on..

I ended up having to get a speed sensor thing replaced on one of my tires. So far, the mechanic bill is at $300..something. Hopefully it wont go up too much more. They are taking it into the dealership today to have them reset the computer. Hopefully that will help it calm down. Then I can sell it and get something better! I don't know what else is new.. so until next time..

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

The past couple of days have been.. probably the hardest days I can remember. I don't even know what to write on here for people to see. I think I'm probably at the lowest point right now. I just gotta be strong and have faith that things will be better soon.. I feel like I'm in a really bad dream.. and I just can't seem to wake up. But I remember having a massive headache yesterday, so I know that's not the case haha. Good ol' sunday headaches! :( You really do have to prepare yourself for the worst thing to happen. Cuz when that moment comes and you're not ready, it hurts that much more. I wish I could just go off and tell exactly how I feel in detail, but I don't think I should since this is an open blog. Now, I have to get back into the social pool and try and be happy as much as I can. I didn't think I would have to get back out there.. ever. But, here I am. On the bright side, I really got a bigger picture yesterday on how much people care for me and are here for me. So that's comforting. I will admit, I did miss hanging out with my girls and going crazy with them. That's something I haven't gotten enough of for a long time. I'm trying really hard to be positive right now. It's hard, but it's a bit easier today than it was yesterday. I just gotta stay busy.
Anyways, I got my wisdom teeth out last week. It really wasn't that bad. I was pretty scared about it since my last experience was so bad. But this time, I had the owner of the dentists office do it and he gave me laughing gas. So, that was nice. I don't remember feeling like I wanted to laugh at all though. I'm not sure why they call it that. I just felt high. I felt like I was going to pass out at one point, but it was great. Haha now I understand why people get high. Although, I would never be that stupid to do it. I'm almost all the way healed now too. I've gotten through the hard parts. I've just gotta hang in there, and I am. So, if anyone wants to hang out with me.. I have even more free time now. I'm trying really hard to be positive. Haha I prettymuch just sound desperate, but I don't care I guess. I'm still trying to sell my car too, so if anyone wants to buy it, that would be great!