
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So, I took the job working with Summer again at Overson Roofing. Half of the day, I do office work, and then the other half.. I do telemarketing. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. It's kinda nice getting a bonus every now and then when I set an appointment. I've had 2 so far.. both yesterday. So, I guess that's a good sign cuz I was only making calls for like 2 1/2 hours.

I sold Stella this week. :/ It was kind of sad, but I didn't spend as much time with her as I thought I would. Plus, with the car accident.. I need as much money as possible. Ha and she wasn't getting the attention she deserved, so I figured it was the best choice. So no more sugar glider for me! I sold her for more than I paid for her though. So, that's good!

The update on my car.. it IS totalled. Our insurance gave us money for it.. and I actually made money off of this accident. Kind of. Haha I got $2000 more out of my car than I paid for my car.. So I got a nicer car! A 2000 VW Beetle Turbo! It has almost 68k miles and I payed $6700. It has leather interior, seat heaters, and all that good stuff! I'm in love. I still need to put my deck from my other car in it though because the stereo does not work. So, until then, I get to listen to music through my phone while I drive. So anyways, ya.. the insurance came to the conclusion that I was not at fault for the accident. Although, I did get a ticket. Here's what happened! I never saw the light turn red. I just remember seeing it yellow.. so I sped up a little bit so I didn't run the light. Then, the next thing I knew.. there's a car turning in front of me. So since I had to slow down.. I didn't make it into the intersection in time to make the light. In the photo radar picture I got, my brake lights are on. So ya.. gay. So I'm pretty sure I have to go to driving school. That'll be fun? Ha not. BUT, my friend Courtney has to go to driving school as well, so we can go together! haha yay! That's prettymuch all the updates on my car situation.

Other than that.. still workin on the dating thing! Who knows what'll happen! Things change quick.. that's for sure. The last couple of weeks have been a big eye-opener for me though. I'm curious to see how things pan out.

I need a vacation.. A...SAP! Haha for reals though.. something fun! Somewhere with my friends. It'll happen.

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