
Friday, June 26, 2015

Supreme Court: The Constitution allows gay marriage.

I'm feeling mixture of feelings today as the ruling for same sex marriage is legal across the country. This topic has always been super controversial and I find myself agreeing with different parts of both ends of it. If you care to know, keep reading. Be warned- you may or may not agree with me. Let me start out by saying I don't dislike gay people. People often assume that if you don't believe in something that someone does, you must not like them. NOT the case. If you're getting offended already, I suggest you stop here.
Growing up, I was raised with strong family values and the strong belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman. That's my belief. I also believe that people should have a right to choose. I'm going to be blunt, being LDS it's pretty obvious where I stand as far as why same sex marriage and relations are wrong in my mind. However, it is a strong belief of mine that if people did not have a right to choose, then that would almost be following Satans plan. He didn't want us to have a choice. God wanted us to come to earth and have a choice; be tested and tried. So that alone is the ONLY part of the topic I agree with- choice. Now, let me expand on that.. I have known people who believe the opposite- that same sex marriage is ok and that it's acceptable to be with anyone and I do NOT think anything less of them. I just wouldn't choose that life for myself. Here's the thing, everything has it's consequences or rewards. I hesitate in saying consequences because I don't WANT to offend anyone, but I think that this topic is going to be offensive no matter what. People choose to be offended and that's where the hatred and debates come in. I'm not saying I'm perfect or haven't felt offended by choice because I have. When I say that everything could have a consequence or reward, I am referring to the fact that making same sex marriage is not only going to give people the freedom to marry whoever they want, but also open the door for more laws. If same sex marriage stopped there.. that it was a choice.. meaning EVERYONE involved had a choice, then I MIGHT be in favor. This is my opinion and unfortunately I don't think it will stop there. Especially with people losing their right to serve a customer within a business because of whatever belief they have. There have been lawsuits over businesses not serving a customer because of whatever reason.. and the customer will take them to court because they're offended. If it were me and someone refused to serve me (for example) at a restaurant because I'm a mormon, I wouldn't want to go there anyways! Why are people pushing it so far? Just let people believe what they want to believe. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not support same sex marriage nor do they perform the ceremonies. Let me clarify.. the church loves and supports people who may be gay, but NOT always what they do regarding the matter. Jesus said to love everyone and we do! We DON'T have to love what they do. When laws overrule the churches right to refuse same sex marriages, that's when I believe it's not ok and I hope we're not headed that direction. THAT'S what scares me. I have a strong testimony in scripture and the fact that it testifies that the church will remain on the earth from now on. It just makes me wonder that if maybe laws did get to that point, would our temples be closed? It makes me sad to think that it could get pushed that far, but I can't help but wonder with all the changes happening in society. Being married in the temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I hold temple marriage to a very sacred, high standard because of the beliefs that I have for eternal marriage. To think that people could be robbed of that because of the laws of the land potentially overruling the rights of the church, makes me sick. Society assumes that it's giving people a freedom in the fact that they can marry whoever they wish, but when it comes down to it, we're forced to agree or support a cause that we don't. That is not freedom. So here's my wish and hopes- that it stops HERE. I'd like to keep my rights and keep my religious freedom, thank you.


  1. As someone who had the opportunity to attend your wedding and as someone who was ecstatic that you two were able to make a commitment to each other in a legal, cultural, and religious ceremony, I'm equally excited for my friends who are attracted to the same sex to be able to do the same.

    In terms of a business' refusal of service, I'm reminded on the football movie, "Remember the Titans." After a particularly amazing win, members of the Titans' team try to go to a bar together. The owner rejects them and says that "they're full." It's a stark reminder that racism was alive and well. Watching the film, you inherently realize that it's wrong. The same comparison can be made to same sex couples. A business benefits from everyone's tax dollars. As such, they are subject to anti-discrimination laws.

    Opposing equal rights because of a fear what the future might bring is wrong. There are always extremists on both sides of any issue but it shouldn't mean that the right to marry be withheld from an entire swathe of the population. Fight the fights that's truly matter, not slippery slope arguments.

    You have your opinion and I have mine but I'm glad we're family. Love you guys!

    1. The church doesn't believe in same sex marriage so why would they allow same sex temple ceremonies? That's my thought. I don't want that to change because I agree with the church 100% on those standards. But we are all entitled to our opinions and that's fine. I was just stating mine. I don't agree that discrimination to someone who is gay is morally acceptable, but I do believe that if it impedes on ones religious beliefs, then that's where I draw the line. If the church were to change it's stance on that, it wouldn't be the same church it's been forever.. and therefore not the true church. Giving someone the right to change someones religious practices is not freedom for everyone.
