
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Well, I suppose it's time for an update. To start, July 4th was pretty relaxed. We actually didn't even end up BBQing with the rest of America. Haha we ended up hanging out with our families, but having pizza instead. The Anberlin concert was great as expected! The picture I got of us SUCKS... but hey, it's better than nothing! It's documentation showing we actually made it! haha we did also get to visit with Scott & Monica for like an hour. Haha it was really short, but still worth it! I didn't get any pictures.. so you'll just have to believe me. ;) Having the long weekend off was really nice for sure. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my passport that weekend because they never called me back! Probably because it's a federal holiday, but still. I don't know when that will happen, but hopefully I can find some time to do that so we can go somewhere exciting someday! I finally got to hold my new niece, Preslee! The same day we went to the concert actually! YAY sickness for finally leaving me!

Clint & Jodi are due to have their baby boy at the end of this month too,so we'll have a couple of babies in the fam! It's always interesting to see who the babies turn out looking like the most! We'll see who they looks like more-so when they get older.

Ummm... I got highlights! I'm slowly going back blonde. I have been brunette for about 3 or 4 months maybe? Haha it was just for fun basically. Next, back to blonde and then maybe someday I'll chop it off. BUT that wont be for a while. haha

What else is new? I got to go to Maria's baby shower this past weekend! It was fun to go and visit with some of the girls. It's funny how fast things happen! As soon as you get married.. everyone's wondering when you are going to have kids.

Upcoming events.. well, Adam finally signed up for the day he will be taking his GMAT. So that's exciting! I'm definitely excited to get that over with so we can find out what we will be doing for Adams schooling. I'm excited to see what life will bring us after that! He probably wont be going back to school until fall 2014 though. Well, other than that, life's great! Nothing really new or big to share. Until next time..

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