So, recently I got a new job! I put in my two weeks at Skipro and then I'll be a receptionist for a roofing company! So that'll be nice cuz they pay better and it would be full time. One thing that is going to be interesting is that I'm going to try and keep my matta's job! So, i will be working somewhere between 55 and 60 hours a week. Yup, its going to be super busy, but we'll see how it goes!
I am in fact STILL looking for a car. Its actually getting pretty frustrating because I don't have very much to spend right now and so everything that i can afford is either old.. ugly.. or has a ton of miles. I wouldn't be in such a hurry to buy a car if my family hadn't sold the truck that i've been driving. Ya, i dont exactly have a stable means of transportation anymore.. until i get a car. I would just get a loan from the bank and then go get whatever i want BUT that requires a cosigner since i don't have any credit history.. and with this lovely economy of ours, prettymuch NOBODY can cosign! Its pretty irritating. I would much rather wait and save up my money and buy something that I actually want rather than buy something thats just ok and then regret it. Another thing that makes it that much more hard is craigslist ads freaking suck and there are so many scams its insane.. and more than half of the posts are by dealerships.. which I've been trying to avoid since they have so many other fees that come along with buying a car.
Boys currently sorta make me mad. Not that they haven't before.. its actually nothing new! If something doesn't change here pretty quick, I'm going to begin wondering if its me that has a problem.. or the boys are just ridiculous in this state. Ha, yeah.. you could say that i need to get out... at least for a vacation. It's definately been a while. But, by the time this summer rolls around.. i'll have a bit more spending money and then i can hopefully take that vacation that i need oh so very badly.
Basically.. its the story of my life right now. Work.. and finding a car. That basically sums it up.. with some time with friends here and there. Welp, i guess that sums up whats up and new with me lately.. until next time (whenever that is).. we'll see what changes.