Picture this. If a african american police officer caught a white man in a crime, chased him down and ended up shooting the man in self defense, would the general public make a big deal out of it? Probably not. If they did, it would probably be an applaud to the cop- good job, you saved yourself from that rasicst white man. Now here we are with the roles reversed..white cop, black man doing the crime & getting killed. What does the public do? FREAK OUT. Oh no no no.. you can't defend yourself if it's a black man.. that's rascist. Now you're whole town is going down. Aren't we overreacting just a tad?
Now let me back track. I am NOT rascist. I am all for treating everyone equally no matter your outward appearance or lifestyle. America hasn't always been where it should be in equailty, but we're past that. Equality has been around for a long time now. Or at least it was. When does it become "okay" to act in violence because your opinion differs than others? People get so offended by anything and everything that equality is always thrown out the window. We all have our own mind.. thank GOODNESS. But we can't expect people to all be on the same page as we are 100% of the time. We can't expect people to change their minds when we explain our point of view. That's why we all have a right to an opinion.
It's really sad that this man ended up in the situation that he was in and lost his life in the process, but that has nothing to do with race. A white man could have made the same mistake. A white man could have gone down that same path. The only difference would have been that people would accept it. People would accept it just as they should in this case. MOVE ON.
Signs of the times.. I tell ya!