
Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Here's whats new and happening in the Browns lives nowadays! Adam started his MBA in August. It has been surprisingly a lot smoother than we thought it would be. He has recently been being a loan executive for the United Way which has changed his work a bit. We thought that with him working full time and school full time, he would be super busy, but so far we've been pleasantly surprised. His MBA program he is doing is online through ASU. The program is structured for him to take 1 class at a time in shorter timespans. That way he doesn't have multiple finals in one day or week. It's been nice so far! He's into his second class and it's been fairly smooth.
As for me, I got a new job at Vanguard. I am an "Portfolio Implementation Specialist." Sounds pretty crazy, but really just translates into porfolio processer. Haha it's been nice for us finance wise since Adams schooling started because we have that extra money to help with school bills. I started August 25th. Since then, I got my friend Monica Shipley a job as well as my friend Courtney's dad a job within the company. So, it's been helpful!
Also, since July, a few friends have gotten home from their missions! First one was Courtney Maragritis- she got home from her mission in Seattle, Washington. Second, Summer Allen got home from her mission in St. George, Utah. And just last week, my friend Karlie Harrison got home from Oslo, Norway! It's been so surreal having them home! There is just one more sister missionary that is still out. London Heywood gets home in... January? I think. It's been so so crazy that they've already been gone and are coming back! It's like they never left, but not really.. cuz life went on. These girls are the same girls as they always have been (no surprise), but just magnified by so much greatness! It's amazing.
Our 2nd anniversary is coming up in a couple months. It's weird to think that before the girls left on their missions, we had only been married for a couple months... nowww... it's a couple years! Yet another thing that is weird, but not weird at the same time. My friend Candice Gleave is about to pop.. she's due to have her baby Nixon on thursday! Lots and lots of changes!
When I think back to the days before any of us girls were married, we were so crazy and full of energy! It blows my mind. Those days were fun, but they weren't kidding when they call getting married "settling down." But I love that things are so chill, but still crazy in their own way.

Also, the final Arizona Anberlin show happened. Still bitter. It makes me literally sick to my stomach to think I'll never have another album or concert to look forward to from them. I'm hoping at least Stephen Christian, who has his own band, Anchor & Braille, will live on and I can at least have that. Not the same, but still great. I got a picture with the drummer this time! Woo!

Also, I've been doing more hair recently! So that's good. I've recently tried actually making a porfolio of everything also. Here are a few examples, but to see them all, visit instagram #bykatiebrown or my entire page @katie_snipps